Exploring the Potential of Eastern Mediterranean Energy in LNG Development

Pioneering the Eastern Mediterranean Energy Revolution

In the heart of the Eastern Mediterranean, a bold vision took shape from as far back as in 2013 – a vision to transform this geopolitically significant region into a pivotal global energy hub.

This vision and the backing of regionally savvy and globally experienced seed investors led by Mike Germanos as founder gave birth to Cynergy, a venture that stands as a testament to the power of strategic foresight and collaborative expertise in the oil and gas sector.

The Genesis of Cynergy: A Convergence of Minds and Ambitions

Cynergy's journey began with Mike Germanos spearheading the development of an understanding of the region in an energy context and leading the development of a highly-skilled oil and gas team of executives and entrepreneurs, bringing to Cynergy a wealth of industry experience. These forward-looking investors and energy sector veterans shared a common belief – that the Eastern Mediterranean Basin held the potential to emerge as a strategic energy powerhouse. Under the leadership of Mike Germanos, Cynergy East Med LLC was formed to lead the next phase moving from positioning to execution of this ambitious consolidation and development project.

Our Mission: Leading the Energy Transformation of East Med

Cynergy embarked in 2013 on a mission to spearhead a pan-regional energy solution for the Eastern Mediterranean.

The objective was clear: to make transformative strategic investments and implement long-term energy development plans.

This required an extremely patient and resilient approach to long term development of Cynergy to address the opportunities and risks for the long term good of the stakeholders of the region and of Cynergy

Our approach was to consolidate, develop, and monetize the region's vast energy reserves, turning the East Med into a nexus of natural gas liquefaction and exportation. Such approach is taking shape now its most timely.

A Regional Office with a Global Outlook

Operating from its regional office in Cyprus, Cynergy positioned itself strategically at the crossroads of world trade flows. This location was not just a logistical choice but a symbolic one, reflecting our commitment to aligning regional aspirations with global energy dynamics.

The Structure: Cynergy Group and Its Entities

Cynergy Group, majority-owned by founder Mike Germanos, encapsulates the broad vision of this initiative.

Cynergy Energy Ventures, the investment arm of the group, focuses on generating global energy sector investment opportunities, while Cynergy East Med zeroes in on the Eastern Mediterranean.

Cynergy East Med stands as the energy asset acquisition and project development vehicle, dedicated to crafting an all-encompassing strategy for the development and commercialization of the region's oil and gas reservoirs.

Our Belief and Commitment

We firmly believe in the Eastern Mediterranean's potential to rise as a significant energy hub.

Our commitment extends beyond mere exploitation of resources; it's about creating a sustainable, profitable, and strategically vital energy ecosystem.

Cynergy operates in a manner that is regionally aligned, solving the intricate puzzle of financing, development, and full monetization of the region’s energy assets.

The Cynergy Ethos: More Than Just a Company

At Cynergy, we feel and think of ourselves as architects of change. We are not just a company; we are a movement. With a globally experienced team at the helm, committed to long-term regional plans, Cynergy is not just addressing current energy challenges; we are shaping the future of Eastern Mediterranean energy.

Conclusion: The Future is Here with Cynergy

As Cynergy continues its journey, it remains steadfast in its mission to turn the Eastern Mediterranean into an energy hub of global importance. Our story is one of innovation, collaboration, and strategic foresight – a story that not only narrates the genesis of an energy giant but also paints the picture of a future where the Eastern Mediterranean is a beacon of energy prosperity and regional stability.